The international project HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01-01 “Earth Observation for Early Warning of Land Degradation at the European Frontier” (EWALD) was started on December 1, 2022 as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Horizon Europe Programme.

The project aims to the methodology development for an early warning and detecting the land degradation within the European Union and neighboring countries territory using remote sensing data.

The meeting participants were the project teams’ representatives from 5 countries, namely:

  • Cofac Cooperativa de Formacao e Animacao Cultural Crl (Ulusofona), Lisbon, Portugal;
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat, Bonn (UBO), Bonn, Germany;
  • Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, NAS of Ukraine (CASRE), Kyiv, Ukraine;
  • Zilinska Univerzita v Ziline (UNIZA), Zilina, Slovakia;
  • Limited Liability Company ECOMM Co (ECOMM Co), Kyiv, Ukraine;
  • Universite Cadi Ayyad (UCA), Marrakesh, Moroc.

The CASRE scientists Mykhailo Popov, Anna Kozlova, Iryna Piestova and Anna Khyzhniak (at photo) attend the meeting.