Хижняк Анна Василівна

Anna Khyzhniak

candidate of technical sciences (2014)

senior researcher (2023)

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Education: National Aviation University, majoring in "Geo-information systems and technologies" (2011)

In 2014, she graduated from the Centre's postgraduate course, having defended her dissertation on the specialty 05.07.12 - "Remote sensing" (technical sciences). Dissertation topic: "Substantiation of the system methods of assessment and forecast of the urban areas condition based on the remote aerospace researches (on the example of the city of Kyiv)."

Since 2011, she has been working at CASRE IGS NAS of Ukraine in the positions of engineer, leading engineer, junior researcher, researcher and senior researcher. Since January 2021, she has been working as a Scientific Secretary of the Centre.

Author of 85 scientific publications, in particular, 45 articles in professional publications, co-author of a collective monograph and 5 patents for inventions.

Research Areas of Interest: remote sensing in natural resources and environmental problems, system analysis and modeling, monitoring of natural processes, monitoring of urban landscapes.